Caligrafía con pincel
Ediciones Urano
Brush Calligraphy handbook
Ediciones Urano
Brush Calligraphy handbook
Ideation and design of my first Calligraphy book, Caligrafía con pincel, published on June 2018 by Ediciones Urano [in Spanish]. In this first handbook you get an introduction to Brush Calligraphy.
Learn how to use a pointed brush pen from scratch to write well-constructed letters with rhythm and harmony.
Learn how to use a pointed brush pen from scratch to write well-constructed letters with rhythm and harmony.
I teach you from the very first basic strokes with which you will build your early letters, to the formation of words with more complex links between letters. Don't be caught napping! The first 4,000 units come with a fantastic Pentel Color Brush as a gift. This is just the beginning. A new edition to keep learning about Brush Calligraphy is being cooked. Stay tuned!

All this project wouldn’t be possible without the confidence of Ivan Castro, Ediciones Urano and Pentel España.
Some photographies are taken by Jesús Morentin at BunkerType.